
What is Accel DAO?

The AccelDAO is a SubDAO within the Quota ecosystem that is intended to act as an accelerator and investment DAO. The AccelDAO decides what projects are to be allocated investment funds from the DAOโ€™s treasury, which receives a percentage of the revenues generated from a small portion of the taxes deducted from each user on the platform.

The AccelDAO will also govern what projects will be approved for running token-sales on the Quota Launchpad.

The DAO paper will be released within 60 days to the end of the initial fair distribution of 4.0V2 tokens.

DAO Paper

The AccelDAO will have a completely separate DAOpaper, which includes the initial DAO structure, as well as the initial parameters on scope of governance, and the roles that the AccelDAOโ€™s stakeholders and participants will have on running the investment DAO.

Quota team will announce the details through our official social channels. Stay Tuned!

Last updated