The Philosopher's Springs

Perpetual Staking Pool

Quota Exclusive Perpetual Staking Pool : "The Philosopher's Springs"

ALL rewards claimed are taxed by 30% from both the initial distribution and perpetual staking pools for redistribution and automatic re-allocation via smart contracts. 15% of all taxes collected on the platform are reallocated to the Perpetual Staking Rewards Pool.

The Perpetual Staking Pool distributes it’s rewards on the following logic:

  1. Perpetual staking pool rewards are set to distribute 100% of the rewards in the pool over a period of 14 days.

  2. The distribution timer is reset, every time that there is a new injection of tokens into the rewards pool.

  3. This means that EVERY time that there is a new rewards claim by any user, or whenever the AAS is triggered, the distribution clock on the staking pool is reset.

  4. This makes it possible for the staking pool to have perpetual functionality, as long as there is consistent traffic on the network.

Last updated